
氯會使毛髮與肌膚中的蛋白質酸化,氯也會結合保養品內的化學成分產生氧化質變,瞬間吸收、沾附乾燥後失去原來的滋潤光澤,越洗變得越乾燥、頭髮容易分叉斷裂,而在不知不覺中遭受到傷害!科學家研究指出氯是導致引發許多病變的主因。美國國家安全基金會NSF指出,自來水中含有氯,氯,會經由洗澡時藉著肌膚、眼球以及口腔吸收。在飲用水部分,刷牙,洗臉,洗澡,等等,使用亞硫酸鈣做過濾與除氯, 除去水中的氯.
氯是全世界通用的消毒劑, 但氯會破壞蛋白質也就是皮脂層造成過敏、冬季癢甚至致癌。 如能把不好的環境因子消除,則所有的清潔用品與美容保養用品將會有事半功倍之效。 肌膚老化是無法避免的自然現象,雖然如何延緩老化是當今美容生化科技努力突破追求的目標,台灣磁礦數位生技有限公司的日本亞硫酸鈣,是目前全球頂尖的材料之一.
calcium sulfite
Chlorine will acidify the proteins in hair and skin. Chlorine will also combine with the chemical components in skin care products to cause oxidative changes. It will lose its original moisturizing luster after being absorbed and dried instantly. The more you wash it, the drier it becomes, and your hair will easily break. , and suffered harm unknowingly! Scientists have pointed out that chlorine is the main cause of many diseases. The U.S. National Security Foundation NSF points out that tap water contains chlorine, which is absorbed through the skin, eyeballs and mouth during bathing. In the drinking water sector, for brushing teeth, washing face, bathing, etc., calcium sulfite is used for filtration and dechlorination to remove chlorine from the water.
Chlorine is a common disinfectant around the world, but chlorine can destroy proteins, that is, the sebum layer, causing allergies, winter itching, and even cancer. If bad environmental factors can be eliminated, all cleaning products and beauty care products will have twice the result with half the effort. Skin aging is an unavoidable natural phenomenon. Although delaying aging is the goal of today's beauty biochemical technology, the chlorine-removing material (Made in Japan) of Taiwan Magnetite Digital Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is currently one of the top materials in the world.
氯會使毛髮與肌膚中的蛋白質酸化,氯也會結合保養品內的化學成分產生氧化質變,瞬間吸收、沾附乾燥後失去原來的滋潤光澤,越洗變得越乾燥、頭髮容易分叉斷裂,而在不知不覺中遭受到傷害!科學家研究指出氯是導致引發許多病變的主因。美國國家安全基金會NSF指出,自來水中含有氯,氯,會經由洗澡時藉著肌膚、眼球以及口腔吸收。在飲用水部分,刷牙,洗臉,洗澡,等等,使用亞硫酸鈣做過濾與除氯, 除去水中的氯.
氯是全世界通用的消毒劑, 但氯會破壞蛋白質也就是皮脂層造成過敏、冬季癢甚至致癌。 如能把不好的環境因子消除,則所有的清潔用品與美容保養用品將會有事半功倍之效。 肌膚老化是無法避免的自然現象,雖然如何延緩老化是當今美容生化科技努力突破追求的目標,台灣磁礦數位生技有限公司的日本亞硫酸鈣,是目前全球頂尖的材料之一.
calcium sulfite
Chlorine will acidify the proteins in hair and skin. Chlorine will also combine with the chemical components in skin care products to cause oxidative changes. It will lose its original moisturizing luster after being absorbed and dried instantly. The more you wash it, the drier it becomes, and your hair will easily break. , and suffered harm unknowingly! Scientists have pointed out that chlorine is the main cause of many diseases. The U.S. National Security Foundation NSF points out that tap water contains chlorine, which is absorbed through the skin, eyeballs and mouth during bathing. In the drinking water sector, for brushing teeth, washing face, bathing, etc., calcium sulfite is used for filtration and dechlorination to remove chlorine from the water.
Chlorine is a common disinfectant around the world, but chlorine can destroy proteins, that is, the sebum layer, causing allergies, winter itching, and even cancer. If bad environmental factors can be eliminated, all cleaning products and beauty care products will have twice the result with half the effort. Skin aging is an unavoidable natural phenomenon. Although delaying aging is the goal of today's beauty biochemical technology, the chlorine-removing material (Made in Japan) of Taiwan Magnetite Digital Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is currently one of the top materials in the world.