XL-999 Water Flow Meter 水流計量錶

XL-999 Water Flow Meter 水流計量錶

XL-999 專業商用水處理系統,通過塑膠工業技術發展中心,以 "NSF"的最嚴苛的條件及規範檢測方式, 通過測試,在競爭品牌對手中,取得最高最優良數據, 是目前市場式的同型機器中, 最穩定, 最安全, 最節省能源, 最可靠的專業商用級別機型,並榮獲連鎖商店公司認可並選用.已在台灣超過2,000個商家門市安裝和使用中。

* 預設濾芯使用最高上限,當計量值達到上限時,計量器會發出警告聲響,警 示需更換濾材. 達到達到最高使用效益.

* 每24小時會重複提醒維護警訊, 以防疏忽維護.

* 依需求最高計量可達99500公升/水流量

* 可任意搭配任何品牌之淨水器,飲水機,過濾系統等,不同設計之機型.

* 不需更換,或更新主機. 環保,節能,省預算.

XL-999 Water Flow Meter

* The maximum upper limit of filter element usage is preset. When the filtration system does reach the upper limit, the meter will sound an warning to warn that the filter material needs to be replaced to achieve the highest use efficiency.

* Maintenance warnings will be repeated every 24 hours to prevent neglected maintenance.

* The maximum metering capacity can be set up to 99,500 liters/water flow according to demand.

* Can be used with any brand of water purifier, water dispenser, filtration system, etc., with all models of different designs.

* No need to replace or update the host of system. Environmentally friendly, energy-saving and budget-cut saving.