*全新機型* D400CC AI小型咖啡店 手搖飲店 小型餐飲店專用機型 *商檢局認證*

***新機型***D400CC AI控制咖啡專用機
*專門為小型咖啡店 手搖飲店 小型餐飲店專用機型

*省水 省電 省成本 小型商用最佳選擇


專業咖啡機使用,高輸出直接供水,最高可同時提供兩台咖啡機同時使用(需同時搭配儲水桶). 供水1000cc/ 1min/ 20psi。



* 可調式TDS水質設定(專利號第1507364號)







⚠️警告 ! 喝水前請先煮沸⚠️

⚠️⚠️⚠️ 外殼顏色以實際產品為主⚠️⚠️⚠️

***New model***XL-8100

Used by professional coffee machines, high output direct water supply, can provide up to two coffee machines for use at the same time (need to be equipped with a water storage bucket at the same time). The water supply is about 1000cc/1m.


*Can be customized according to the customer's "total dissolved solids" content requirements.

* Adjustable TDS water quality setting (Patent No. 1507364)

*LCD screen displays the quality of filtered water in real time.

*AI automatic flushing adjustment increases filter life.

*Automatic power-off system due to leakage and equipped with light alarm function.

*TDS water quality real-time data display.

*AI measurement updates filter heart life.

*This product has passed the Taiwan invention patent, patent number 1507364

⚠️Counterfeiting must be investigated ⚠️

⚠️Warning, please boil water before drinking⚠️